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trener instruktor PZLA

trener UEFA C

trener instruktor PZBiath

#greenbeltrunner team


individual training

training for companies


about me

I am 41 years old and since I can remember I have always practiced some kind of sport. it was not difficult, because I spent my childhood in the years when children spent more time in the yard than at home.

if we all wore wristbands back then that counted steps, I'm sure our results would be three times higher than current standards...

from the age of 9, I regularly practiced football at the local club - Urania Ruda Śląska. 

no one drove me to training ... I walked after school lessons. 

5 times a week! then I learned discipline and regularity - two basic foundations of any training process. it's a habit that allows me to continue to enjoy training, but also to constantly improve my results. though I'm getting older, I'm getting faster every year.

I have been training running since 2009. I followed the traditional path of every amateur runner. I made every possible mistake. I endured training loads even when our children were teething.

my coaching perspective is not competitive running, camps, training camps and meetings.

my coaching perspective is professional work, family, children and hundreds of duties of an ordinary person. 

This is how I live, this is how I train, this is how I develop. I'm only one step ahead of you  and thanks to that I know exactly what you need and how I can help you.

I am constantly improving my competences and with my players in mind, in 2023 I completed the PZLA instructor trainer course.

my strava account

my spotify playlist

Karolina Szromek

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“I met Ark over a year ago. He changed my boring summer runs into a sensible workout, very interesting and full of challenges. I started to push my own physical and mental limits while working, on duty 
and raising two wonderful boys (plus a husband ;))
I can always count on the coach's support, motivation, movie recommendation or meme. Arek infects with passion and positive energy.
And most importantly: it allows you to eat Haribo bears before the competition ;)"
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